Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Hiking Frame Lake

I spent a couple of hours on Sudnay hiking around all of Frame Lake with Mom. We started on the half of the trail we had not yet tried, it's the half that doesn't really have a trail. There are posts in the ground, and you make your way (usually over rock) from one post to the next. The trail provides some amazing views of the lake and the city, but it is a long, tiring trip. We walked on rock, through snow, waded through a stream or two, climbed the side of cliffs, and finally ended the hike by walking back down the other side of the lake, which is all nicely paved. Whew. We barely made it back to the car.

Downtown Yellowknife as seen from the far side of Frame Lake.

The Northwest Territories Legislative Assembly Building, with downtown in the background.

The somewhat wonky boardwalk that made up part of the trail.

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