Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Compuer Troubles

As seems to happen to me wherever i go, I have been spending a fair amount of time recently working on computers. This time it is my own. I discovered a few days ago that my computer appeared to be infected with a virus. After running several different scans and pursuing other options, I came to the conclusion that I had no choice but to re-install windows on my computer - something I have not yet done with my laptop.

I started, as is normal, by copying all of my data (files, pictures, music etc.) onto another hard drive I have with me for just such occaisons. I succesfully re-installed windows on my computer, but when I attempted to copy my data back onto it, I was not able to access the hard drive. In the time between when I copied the information, and was ready to copy it back, something happened to the hard drive! It was truly a worst-case scenario.

Fortunately I had made a copy of my most recent pictures onto another medium, so I haven't lost anything recent, and I have another backup of all my data from a couple of months ago back at Dad's house, so all in all I haven't lost much. I spent a good part of today trying to track down a device that I could buy that would allow me to attempt to get my information off the dead hard drive, but unfortunately I've been unable to locate such a device here in Yellowknife. I'm just going to have to wait until i get home to get most of my files back onto my computer.

One of the places I went looking for this device was Staples (thanks for the suggestion Dad!). I had met mom for lunch, we had some wonderful bagles at a café downtown (Javaroma: Keeping people awake since 1996!), and afterward I decided to walk around Frame Lake to see if I could find what I was looking for at Staples. It was a fairly long walk! And after not finding what I was looking for, I had to walk home empty handed. It was a nice walk though (about 2.02Km, one way).

On another note, I've had a strange craving for more fruit lately... not sure what to make of that one yet... but for some reason chocolate doesn't seem as appetizing as it used to be... very odd.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I warned you, Chocolate is the enemy.